Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dude, Where's My Vacation?

I love my best friend. I love all of my friends obviously, or they wouldn't be my friends. But we all have certain strengths and weaknesses. My best friend tends to plan things, even if she doesn't plan them until the last minute. For my birthday, she gave me tickets to a Titanic exhibit in Connecticut. Then told me I could take a train there but I needed to figure out tickets and everything else myself. Well, it is the thought that counts I guess. And I am very thankful for the tickets. It seems like everywhere but here had some type of Titanic exhibit open last month and I had no way of seeing any of them. When I got the tickets a few weeks ago, the trip seemed pretty far in the future. And I guess it was. But the date sort of snuck up on us. Who is 'us', you ask? The best friend, my friends G and T and myself. The best friend I talk about here all the time and have known literally my entire life, etc. G is responsible for making my life better just by purchasing a used iPhone. We met about 11 years ago (don't remember how) and bonded over hockey and a few years ago he married my cousin. T is a friend I met during my college days. I went to a pick up dodgeball game with some other friends and T was the organizer of the thing. Once the game started, I kept aiming for her because I knew she was the other team's strongest player. She asked if I was picking on her cuz I had a crush on her and I told her to get over herself. She promptly popped me right in the head after my comment. But at the end of the day we hung out for awhile and became friends. She's also the chick who introduced me to "lemonade", and we all thank her for that.
Everyone had a job for this trip; the best friend's was to check out rental cars, G's was to look at hotels, T's was to find stuff to do besides the Titanic thing and mine was to find our way there and back and everywhere in between. I admit that I have slacked on my job, I didn't even look at the train schedule until Sunday or Monday. We chose a hotel Wednesday, only to change our minds yesterday because the hotel we chose was not in the town we wanted it to be in. T had this awesome idea of taking an overnight train so we could be there tomorrow morning at five and just start our weekend, but we can't check into the hotel until three so that idea went by the wayside. Then we figured out stuff to do until check in but the best friend wants to travel in daylight so she can see the water. Fine. Travel plans changed again. T, to her credit, has figured out stuff to do, although we've decided to mostly just play it by ear. Her one can't miss attraction? A winery. we shall see where the wind takes us I guess. I feel like we're four college kids about to venture out on our first big trip because we're that unprepared. The only difference between us and college kids is...well...I guess there isn't one. Ah well, here goes nothing...