Saturday, May 19, 2012

Signs Of Life

So, it's been a few since I was transfused and I have to say that I'm more optimistic about my health than I've been in quite some time. I feel pretty damn good today, and I felt pretty damn great yesterday. As long as my counts stay up, I should be okay for at least the next six months and hopefully longer. It's unlikely I'll go into remission but if this is as good as it gets for me health-wise, I'll take it. I'm not as tired all the time, although I do still tire out easily when doing stuff that requires a lot of energy (working out, etc.). But instead of needing 12 hours to recover from something like that, I usually feel better after resting for an hour or so. I still have to leave myself reminders to take my meds and go in weekly for blood counts, a task that has become a bit more difficult since I'm co-habitating and can't just leave post-it's everywhere like I did at my place. But I'm sure I'll figure that out. The "life changes" (sounds so hokey) I've made will have to be permanent obviously but it could always be worse. And all of this has produced some great upsides; I'm back to meditating three times a week and reading my books more and I've given up drinking. Even if my counts stay where they are and my energy level stays where it is, I'm pretty damn happy with that. Still too soon to know anything for sure though.