Thursday, May 31, 2012

It's Raining Busts, Hallelujah!

For every iPhone fail or ridiculously awesome typo I post, I have about ten of my own. But I wasn't aware all ten of mine could come in one conversation. (Although, as you'll see I was not the only slow one this day. But I was the slowest of them all. Btw, these are from the same convo...yeah.)

Me: How's your week looking? Busty?
Friend: LOL
Me: Busy*
Friend: That
Friend: Was
Friend: Awwwwesome
Me: LOL. It so was
Friend: Yes, I forsee myself being busty
Me: lol Busty with a chance of, "Mmhmm, you know you want some!"
Friend: LOL
Friend: Like the weather
Me: LOL Uh yeah
Me: Way to catch that
Me: Blog. Worthy.
Friend: lol Shut. Up.

Me: I did not drink enough coffee for this information
Friend: I'm sorry...
Me: So, lemme put my Oprah helmut on for a sec
Friend: *sips her own coffee...with cinnabon creamer*
Me: And lean in real close and say
Me: "Cinnabon creamer is amazing"
Friend: LOL
Friend: Thanks Oprah

Me: Let's have an O moment now
Me: Wait
Friend: LOL
Me: A-ha moment, not O moment lol
Friend: I want an O moment!!!!

Friend: lol of all days...the day that I need you, you lose whatever shreds of sense you had left 
Me: lol I'm here!
Me: I'm listening!
Me: I'm predent!
Me: Present!
Friend: LOL
Friend: What 
Friend: The
Friend: Fuck
Friend: This is hilarious