Friday, May 11, 2012

The Father, Sun And The Holy Fonz

A friend of mine is going through a very rough time financially (blog on that and my own money issues forthcoming). She's dating a dude who is considering entering the priesthood and is obviously a very devout Catholic. This week has been a total throwaway week for her if there ever were one. She hasn't had many people to talk to about all the drama going on and I was surprised to find out that she had not yet been able to talk to the holy man about it. Then she did and I asked what his advice was, forgetting that he's a religious lad and thinking he would advise and comfort her the way a significant other does. His response? "God will take care of you". Seriously? Girl is feeling like the walls are caving in and the advice you give her is to leave it up to the big man?? Mind you, she and I are similar in terms of religious beliefs in that we were both raised Catholic but no longer swing that way, yet still hold on to some of what we were taught. But I've known some very religious people who don't want to hear what he told her when in the middle of a crisis so us non-religious folk definitely don't want to hear it. Post-accident(s), I got a lot of, 'It was god's will' and, 'Everything happens according to his plan'. Well you know what? Sometimes his plan SUCKS. And his timing SUCKS. And the shit he makes you go through to learn a damn lesson SUCKS. And when in crisis or feeling down, I don't wanna hear nothin' bout nobody's will. One of my exes, though not quite as big a holy roller as my friend's holy man, was a mostly devout Christian but even she didn't wanna hear that kinda stuff when things were going the wrong way. And she definitely knew better than to tell it to me. I don't know, I guess my point is that some people get through things with that line of thinking but not all of us do. And I wish more people would realize not all of us do and advise accordingly.