Friday, May 11, 2012

Stardate #0501102012. We Have Hit A Kink In The Plan

Illness sucks. That kinda fits in with my 'everything sucks' theme from the end of my last post. Anyway, greetings from whever-the-hell-we-are Connecticut. I wish I could tell you more about where we are but I haven't seen much of it. I woke up early this morning and didn't feel great so I took my morning meds and laid down to watch TV for awhile. I got up later, ate and felt okay. So I proceeded to gather my crap and get ready for an uncertainty filled weekend in Connecticut. Remember my post where I said we were gonna go wherever the wind took us? Yeah, well, wind-1, rest of us- a big fat zero. Everybody was late to the train station, but fortunately so was our train. Once we started moving, I got nauseous and spent the majority of the ride drifting in and out of sleep, even though I wasn't all that tired. Then I laid down in the back seat of the rental car while we drove to the hotel. And that's pretty much been my trip thus far. I have pain in my side, but none in my chest so I guess that's one good thing (I don't know if I've mentioned this before but I have to call the doc if I have chest pain because things could go south in a hurry). I've had a bloody nose off and on for awhile. Not sure what that's about. And the past thirty minutes or so I've developed a bit of a cough. My friends, of course, are freaking out and Googling routes to the nearest hospital just in case. But I don't think it's that bad. Hopefully it's just minor and we can go to this exhibit tomorrow and maybe we come home a day early. All good vibes are appreciated, kids.