Thursday, May 17, 2012

Plans & Schemes

For years now, one of my friends and I have been completely yin and yang. Like clockwork, if I was having a great day or on an up, she was having a terrible one or on her way down. If she was excited about things coming together, I was stressing about things falling apart on my end. But the past few months we've found ourselves in the same boat more often than not. Lately, we've been talking a lot about the somewhat dire financial straits we currently find ourselves in. She and her family own some properties that they rent out and, against her better judgement, they decided to rent out to a pair of her best friends, who turned out to be less than desirable tenants. Both were working two jobs before renting the place, but quickly decided to ditch their second jobs after they moved in. Now, out of the blue, they say they're moving out, leaving little notice and screwing up the friend's family financially. Yet, somehow, they just expect everything to be as it was before this mess began and everyone to be on the same terms. There wasn't even so much as a heads up or a, 'hey, we may have to move out soon' so that peeps could try to get their ducks in a row. And while I know it's going to work out the way it's supposed to, it's still a pretty fucked up thing to do. Especially when they know about the money situation there. If you're not 1000% sure you can handle the rent for at least six months, then don't commit to renting out the place to begin with. What completely baffles (and upsets) me is how this has thrown so many things out of whack for the friend and yet her best friends either don't realize it or don't care what their decision has done. The other day my friend said that maybe their reaction is partially her fault because she told them she would be fine and maybe that's why they think nothing is wrong. But when you know and love somebody, you know when things are not fine. As far as I know there hasn't even been an inquiry of, 'are you sure you're okay?' or, 'I know I screwed ya'll over but can I do anything to help you get that knife outta your back?'. Nada. And that sucks.
This is one of those times I wish I could do something to help out, but I'm not much better off than she is financially right now. My mom is having issues with her house and issues with her health, I have medical bills upon medical bills and I also have no job. But I did have options and chose to take the one that has me subletting my apartment for two months. And yet, somehow, that still doesn't fix a whole lot. The medical bills will be on the back burner no matter what so we can toss those out of the equation. My mom's health stuff looks like it should be worked out within the next month (fingers crossed for much sooner than that though) and we have a few more months to figure out the house stuff. I have all kindsa faith that the financials will work out, a lot more than I had just a week and a half ago. The hope with my sublet is that I'll be able to take on a full-time gig again by next month and be able to get some cash flow going on. I do have some freelance stuff lined up, but nothing definite yet. Upside is that I have access to editing equipment (since I have nowhere to set mine up right now) so I can still get some stuff done. And I have no shortage of options of where to stay while I'm displaced. So I doubt this will be that bad. The only downside is I can't have my girl for overnights (something her mother and I agreed on before this was all in motion). But it's only temporary. Hopefully it flies by.