Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Torn Between Two Holy Men, Feeling Like A Fool

I'm waiting on what I assume will be a series of calls and emails that will have some pretty big ramifications and may or may not change my life, even if temporarily. And there's nothing I can do but wait, which is frustrating and annoying. And so while I wait, I will blog. About anything but this. I know! Let's blog about one of the friends I talked to last night and the insanity that has been her month o' May. I wrote before that her best friends/tenants kinda left her high and dry by deciding seemingly on a whim that they were moving out of the place they were renting from her and her mom. She and Mama B owe big money at the end of the month and had no idea how or even if they were gonna pay it. A few days later, already semi-estranged from her best friends and freaking out about money woes, she and the Holy Man have a conversation that could not have come at a worse time. He says to her, he says he doesn't know where their relationship is headed. Then goes on about how she lives a "guarded existence" and should feel as though she can give all of herself to someone. Now that's great and all, but this dude isn't exactly setting the example. They're very much the same in terms of being "guarded", although I think it's more him than her. He rarely, if ever, opens up and tells her how he's feeling or how he's holding up while dealing with stuff. I'm not sure how much of his being guarded is just being inexperienced in relationships though. Anyway, she tells him she feels as if he's going to choose the holy life over her at some point and he quips back that if that's how she feels, maybe she should find someone she can be certain won't leave her in such a manner. Enter the original Holy Man. (End of Act I).
Oh yes, there was a Holy Man long before this current Holy Man came into the picture. But he booked it to go be a part of some holy organization here on the East Coast and that's where he stayed until a few weeks ago. Dude missed a golden opportunity to make a move and get the girl some years ago too. The irony is that while Holy Man 2 (you know you have a habit when your friends have to number your mensz) seems as though he is drifting towards the holy lifestyle but has not yet committed to it, Holy Man 1 sounds as if he's drifting towards the chick, although he's been committed to the holy lifestyle. Until now. Apparently he and his...um...fellow holy men, have decided not to renew his vows which means he's a free man. And he emerged from the shadows to tell this to the friend, spinning it as if he left for her even though there's no kinda guarantee (like at all) that they're going to be a couple. Holy Man 1 is not threatened by Holy Man 2, and the reverse is also true. But Holy Man 2 was making quite the push for a few days there. A lot of insinuating and talk about their future type stuff. So they decide to talk but his internet goes a little wonky and then when it finally comes on they talk for awhile before she sends an IM that he he never responds to. We were talking at the time, and she said he stopped responding so I told her to text him and ask if his internet went down again. No reply. Turns out Mr. Holy Man 1 fell asleep mid-conversation and left her hanging. So she decided on her own that she does want him in her life and whatever happens, happens. After she decides this, he goes a little MIA for a few days and now things are...settling, I guess. (End of Act II?)
In the midst of all of this holy stuff, she's still trying to figure out how to come up with the $1,700 she has to pay at the end of the month. Then she gets a check for $1,000 in the mail. Apparently it was leftover cash from her student loans. And things started looking up. Then she finds another check for $1,000 in a pile of mail she had cast aside. Now she's up $2,000 in a few days and can pay off everything with money to spare. Then, the problem tenants/best friends move out (and break up in the process). And suddenly, our luck has turned almost completely around. And it's pretty damn awesome. Being that we've been on similar life paths lately, I'm hoping her twist in luck means I'm due for one soon. Can't come soon enough.