Sunday, March 9, 2014

Beauty In The World

This will be a cheesy "I heart parenthood" post so if you're not into that, move along. I spent the entire day with Miss N and Miss L, something I haven't done for awhile. It boggles the mind that they are soon to be 6 and 4. And those are pretty awesome ages. They're (extremely) talkative and imaginative. They're learning more and more everyday. They still think I'm cool. What's not to love about they're ages right now? About mid-day, I remembered a convo I had with a friend waaaaaaay back when about love. She had the word "love" tattooed on her person and I asked what the significance of it was (I'm a sucker for tattoos with meaning behind them, no matter how simple or ridiculous the art is). The answer was simple: Because love is all you need, it's the only thing worth fighting for and it's what the world needs more of. By her assessment, if you lead with love then the world is kinder for all involved. And that's a beautiful view to take. And I thought of it when I did because there were some pretty perfect moments today with the little ones. Miss N and Miss L are at the ages where they've experienced a pretty good range of emotions but the prevailing emotion they are met with and put out is love. Someday they will get their hearts broken. Someday they will be blind with fiery rage about something. But for now, it's all love. And it's incredible to experience that through their little eyes. They are absolutely perfect right now. And on days like this, I am reminded of all the things I love about parenthood. If you are a parent, you know what kinda days I'm talking about. They are the days when the BS and pointless stuff just take a backseat. The days when you just chill and take in the little personalities your kids are full of and marvel at how you were a part of bringing someone so amazing into the world. Like, how did that even happen? It's awesome. I love being a dad. It's a privilege, really. And one I'm aware not everyone gets, for one reason or another. I'm blessed to be a part of these girl's lives. They teach me more about love everyday (albeit more on the good days then the bad).
All that said, spending the day with two girls who have the ability to speak and never stop speaking (seriously, NEVER. I got a glimpse of the teenage years, my friends) wore this fool out and I'm is ready for bed. And if it's not the exhaustion talking then I must be crazy cuz I'd totally be up for having another girl someday...ok, it's not the exhaustion. It's the crazy.