Monday, March 3, 2014

I'd Like To Thank The Academy

Me: It must have been cold there in my shaaaadowwwww
Y: Ew
A: Yuck
R: You hate that song, why are you singing it?
Me: There in my shadow, I bet it was colllllddddd
Y: Um...
Me: You were always there in my shaaaadowwww, where it was so cold
A: lol
Me: You were always in the shadows behind meeeeee
E: LOL What??
Me: And Visa is everywhere I want to beeeee
G: I've never cared for American Eaaaaaaaglllllllleeeeee
Me: But I love some eggs with green chiliiiiiiiiiii
G: LMAO. Oh well done, my friend!
R: ...
Y: LOL Wow...nothing like a duet about...whatever that was about, in the morning.
A: LOL I love you jackasses
E: LOL Heroes...Visa...hatred of American Eagle...and chili. That pretty much sums you up, G.
Me: lol I didn't expect a duet when I started out. Sometimes things turn out better than expected.
G: lol Well, I've waited to use that line for years. But everyone here hates that song so I never had the chance.
A: Congratulations on achieving your lifelong dream!
G: I'd like to thank my mom and Oprah and the Mayan gods for continuing the world a few more years and the woman in the front row who grabbed my ass on the way up to the stage. Alright, Alright, Alright.
Y: LOL This is a fantastic start to the day
A: Dude, Matthew McConaughey won an Oscar...just say that out loud and hear how wrong it sounds.
E: #TheEndIsHere