Friday, March 21, 2014

When You Go Giving Your Heart, Make Sure They Deserve It, If They Haven't Earned It, Keep Searching, It's Worth It

We are now almost exactly a month away from Sir Elton's arrival and the kid still does not have a name. At least, not an official name. My mom calls him George (after her favorite Beatle), my cousins have a variety of names for him, and of course I call him Sir Elton (I'd be shocked if the kid didn't grow up and become a showman of some sort). But the sister-in-law's pregnancy hormones are making it damn near impossible for her to settle on one name. Not that I can blame her. Naming a baby is a daunting and somewhat stressful task. People forget the kid has to go through their entire life with this name and choose either stupid or cutesy names (here's looking at you, Apple). Kids are gonna have enough problems as they grow up without having to introduce themselves by some ridiculous name.
Within in the next few months, my nieces, nephews and Miss N will range in age from newborn to FIFTEEN. I remember when every single one of them were born and it's crazy to think that the oldest will be 18 in just a few more years. And then there's my "teenager", now in her early twenties and a year away from graduating from college. Fortunately, she and I have maintained an awesome relationship even though we no longer live under the same roof. I honestly feel like I have two kids; one in college and one about to start grade school, which is probably why I'd be okay if I didn't have anymore youngins. I heard this song the other night and it reminded me of all the little, and not so little, ones in my life.