Thursday, March 6, 2014


(After seeing a bunch of missed calls and texts from the inner circle)

Me: What's going on? Are you ok?
E: The category is "Remission".
E: Well, partial remission. The cancer has reduced in size by a little over 50%.
Me: That's AWESOME!!!

And with that news, a so-so day got MUCH better. Dealing with E's illness has been trying for everybody, to say the least. In fact, he's probably handled it better than any of the rest of us. He's been such an optimist about it all, even when things were just terrible. And they did get pretty awful a couple of times. There's always still the potential that they get awful again in the future, which scares the hell out of all of us. But for now, we're all about the good news. The GREAT news. I still kinda can't believe it...