Saturday, March 29, 2014


Y: *sigh* I broke the straw trying to get it into the Capri Sun #FirstWorldProblems
G: My bagel didn't come already cut #FirstWorldProblems
E: I didn't get a bagel because I was too lazy to count my change #FirstWorldProblems
R: You didn't have enough change because I took it to put gas in a car I don't have #FirstWorldProblems
Me: The hooker left the Canadian monies on the dresser and took my good kidney anyway #ManwhoreProblems
G: LMAO! This needs to be a trending hashtag right now
R: The hooker lied and was actually younger than you #ManwhoreHorrors
E: The hooker was Canadian #ManwhoreHorrors
Y: No, the hooker was Irish #ManwhoreHorrors #MoHoneysMoProblemz
A: The hooker took your kidney AND your tamales #MexicanManwhoreHorrors
Me: ...That would be true horror
G: The hooker didn't take your uh money because she's Canadian and knows they don't like uh let hookers have money
Me: LMAO. Okay, rainman
Y: LOL Oh honey...
A: lol What??
G: lol Everyone else took the good manwhore problems.
Me: Oh, G. You married too young. One never runs out of good manwhore problems.
E: Here Here!