Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Got To Give It Up

*sigh*...So it's Ash Wednesday. And what remains of the Catholic in me is a tiny shame-filled man who gives something up every year in order to not be slapped from the great beyond by his uber-religious grandmother. But I also do it because it's not a terrible idea to go without something that's become a crutch. Usually, I have little trouble coming up with something to do without. There's always one thing or another I've been using too much. But this year...not so much. I've been giving up many of my vices the past four months or so anyway, to the point where I don't have another one to give up. I don't drink soda. I don't drink booze. I'm not hooked on anything food-wise. I considered going out and starting up my drug habit again, you know so I would have something to give up, but that seemed like an awful lot of work. So, Miss N (choosing all by herself what to give up for the first time) and I put our heads together and opted to give up candy. We've both been on kind of a candy tear since the holidays and it is just all going right to our hips (which is why I'm also running everyday for 40 straight days). In order to make it easier for Miss N to stick with forgoing candy, her mom is giving up the same thing. Here's hoping we all make it out of the 40 days alive, yo.