Sunday, March 9, 2014

Lez Be Honest

G: You remember that chick from Friday?
Me: Si
G: She's a lesbian.
Me: How do you know that? And why does it matter?
G: The Missus befriended her apparently. She said she's a lesbian but has been in relationships with women and men in the past. Which sounds more like bi to me.
Me: Huh. And this matters why?
G: Don't you get it?? You almost turned a homosexual!
Me: LOL. I hope you introduced this segment of our lives in your Croc hunter accent
G: LOL Yessssssss. This week on NatGeo, watch as our male heterosexual stalks the elusive and rare female bi-sexual and turns her into a heterosexual. Fascinating.
Me: lol You know...we really should find better ways to occupy our time.
G: Hell no, we shouldn't. This is awesome. Besides, it's the Lord's day.
Me: LOL So, of course, we should be making jokes about lesbians.
G: lol Yes. Yes we should. It has a NatGeo branding on it now. It's educational.
Me: lol And how.