Monday, March 10, 2014

Who Do You Think You Are?

E: I just saw an ecard that says everyone has that one friend who only goes by a nickname and when you say their actual name, it just sounds wrong.
Y: Guilty.
G: Yeah but none of us go by our human names very much.
R: Tru dat
G: The other day [a client] told me she was playing phone tag with E and I was like, "who the hell is that?".
Me: lol I'd probably do the same
G: It must suck to not have a nickname. Or to have a name too short that you can't really make a nickname out of it.
Y: Those are usually five letter or less names.
A: Ahem, my name has five letters and a nickname came of it.
Y: I said usually.
Me: My name has five letters too
Y: LOL. Aw honey...
A: Your name has six letters, love. And aren't you just extra pretty today lol
Me: LOL. Oh. Right. 
E: My name legit has five letters but my nicknames don't really come from it.
R: My name letters.
G: OMG, mine too!!
Y: lol Mine has more letters than all y'all's names combined
Me: Your name also has some unpronounceable symbols.
G: Pssh, hieroglyphics and shit.
A: LOL. Your name could be the second half of a title of an Indiana Jones movie. Like Indiana Jones and The Lost [Y's human name].
Y: LMAO YES. That needs to happen. 
G: [Writes out all of our human names]
A: That looks...odd
R: Huh
Y: Bizarro
Me: Who the hell is that?
G: lol I don't know but I bet they have fantastic conversations about absolutely nothing important all the time.