Monday, March 31, 2014

Say Hello To My Little Psychic Friend

Everybody has that one friend who's into some kooky stuff and who drags them along on their adventures. For my crew, A is that friend. She's the one who makes us sit and watch reality television (but none of the trash on E! or Bravo, she has standards. Or so she tells us.). She's the one who gets us out and about to new restaurants or random attractions when we're in another city. And she's the one who bought us all readings with a psychic over the weekend. I've always been 'meh' when it comes to psychics. I loved that Miss Cleo back in the day but when her empire came crashing down, it shook my faith in the psychic profession, mon. I think there are some people who genuinely have psychic abilities, or the ability to communicate with the dead. But those who fake it for profit far outweigh the genuine ones. And I was skeptical about whether this particular psychic was a faker or not. But A, as always, did her research and got, of all things, a referral for this lady, who is the gen-u-ine article. And I was impressed. As were my amigos, although not everyone loved what they heard from her. But in general, it was pretty good news all around. So, without further ado cuz I know you're just dying to know what my future holds and all, I present my one and only psychic reading.
Sitting down across from this lady, all I could think was that she didn't look like the kinda psychic I'd envisioned. You know, the ones that have a crystal ball and ten do rags up in their hair and mystical robes and ish. She looked...normal. Which is a compliment, even though it doesn't sound like one. She asked my name and my birthday and seemed either especially pleased or slightly annoyed that I'm a Taurus. She said I was stubborn and I almost demanded a refund of A's money on the spot, but regained my religion once she said that wasn't a part of the reading. She was pretty damn accurate about the past though. She said I'd lost a great love in my life and that, on more than one occasion, my spirit had been broken. I told her those were both true and that the latter had happened late last year, but I'd since recovered from it. She said I'd been wrestling with a decision of late, which is also true. I'm going back and forth about whether to take on another big project. She said I feel like I'm at a good place in my life right now, which is correct. She also knew I have a daughter and that it wasn't exactly a planned pregnancy. Then, she moved on to the future predictions. She sees me looking for not just a soulmate but a "mind mate", someone I'm compatible in ways I don't even know about yet. But "not actually looking, so much as awaiting". The next thing she said was quite intriguing. She sees two significant women in my future (to which G immediately said, "your next two conquests!". Fucker.), one much younger than the other, neither of whom have come into my life yet. One of them will also "have known great pain and a great loss of love" and we will bond over each of our losses. She said I was less anti-marriage than I think I am (damn her), and that I should keep an open mind about it, but didn't elaborate. In the most random prediction ever, she saw olive trees. What the hell that means, neither of us knew. And she saw the letter "A", but wasn't sure which of the women it belonged to, if either of them (but it's not the same A that brought me to her).
She was a very nice lady and I left feeling...confused? Maybe that's not the word, exactly. More like the way I felt after every single episode of "Lost"; puzzled, excited and slightly annoyed. Annoyed only because I don't like things being all murky. Bring on the two significant ladies and mind mates already (but hold the marriage, please). It'll be interesting to see, maybe ten years down the line, if any of what she said was really true. It could all just mean I'm gonna buy a car with a model name that starts with "A", live in a place where olive trees are indigenous and my next door neighbors are a nice lesbian couple who marry other couples in their backyard. With psychics, you pays your money and you takes your chances. Or, in this case, A pays her money and our futures takes their chances. Unfortunately, I forgot to ask if my beloved Colorado Avalanche will win a Stanley Cup in the next few years. But hey, now I know where to go to get all the answers I could ever want, right?