Friday, February 20, 2015

Don't Speak, I Know What You're Saying

I was talking to Jude about something when No Doubt's "Don't Speak" came on the radio...on an oldies station. Jude, in his infinite wisdom, decided to remind me that...well, I'm old.

Me: And then Jude decides it's a good idea to say, " is like 20 years old". And I'm like, "Bitch, who fucking asked you how old the song was?".
G: LMAO. You called Jude a bitch??
Me: Hell yes, I did. I was offended lol.
G: LOL. You and Y have the same M.O. when offended.

He's referring to the following exchange that took place last week.

Y: So, you know how I look all cute today and was feeling good about myself, right?
Me: Si.
Y: Well, there I am feeling good when some bitch in line behind me at Starbucks thinks it's a good idea to tell me I missed a belt loop. Hateful bitch.
G: Hi, I'm the hateful bitch that was behind her and told her she missed a belt loop because I thought I was being a good friend.
Me: LMAO. Somehow...none of this surprises me.
G: LOL. Me neither.
Y: I'm gonna get you a hateful bitch bumper sticker. Bitch.
Me: Methinks someone is becoming a woman.
Y: You want some too?
Me: *sets down he haterade gently and backs away from the beast (who looks like sooooo cute today, btw)*
Y: LOL. Damn straight I do.