Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Now And Again She's More Than A Friend, Why Don't You Just Throw Me That Line?

Well, this is a timely post considering the last one mentioned her. The Youngin and I spent some time together last night. She needed someone to talk her down from trying to reunite with her doctor boy toy and, apparently, I'm the man for that job, and not just for her. It seems like I've had to break ish down for a few people lately. First, Jude and his she-devil lady friend, then the cousin and now the Youngin. This is how I know I'm old now, because I've crossed the line from terrible advice taker to decent advice giver. And advice about relationships, no less. But I think this is because I learned so much from the BP debacle, and got an especially thorough education in how long is too long to stay in a bad relationship. Not that she was the first bad relationship I was ever in, but she was the one that affected me the most negatively. I now know what that point of no return is in a relationship, so well in fact that I can even see it in other relationships. And I saw the writing on the wall back around the holidays when the Youngin and I ran into each other at a party.
After the Youngin and I broke up, we decided to remain friends. Actually, it wasn't even a decision we made, it just was sort of understood that we'd be friends regardless of anything romantic that had happened or would happen in the future between us. Our whole relationship was so random. Me, king of the cougars, dating someone young enough to be a classmate of the teenager. It came as an equal shock to her as she'd always been attracted to dudes her own age who looked quite different from me. But I was not long out of the BP era and she was a few months removed from a relationship. Since we were both looking to rebound we thought, "Sure, what the hell?" and charged forward. And whilst this decision made me the ridicule of my friends, I'm glad I went for it. She's been a wonderful, fearless influence on my life that I'm thankful to be able to turn to when need be. Obviously, the reverse is also true and she can come to me for whatever ails her. And at the moment, what ails her (ironically) is a breakup with her doctor boy toy. The Youngin and I lingered for awhile, but finally called it quits when she took an interest in the good doctor, someone she saw potential with. I was all for her seeing where it went because, hey, he's he's gonna be a doctor, that's a definite upgrade from me. Things went well with them for about six months and then cracks began to show. He works a lot, which she knew from the start because duh, he's a med student, but it got to the point where they had almost zero time to spend together. He saw no issue with this, believing the relationship was solid and they'd have more time together once he graduates. But she got tired of the lack of time, was becoming unsure about the fate of the relationship and had been considering ending it way before graduation. She relayed all of this to me at a holiday party we were both at a few months ago and I could tell she was torn about sticking it out and the dude didn't exactly help his cause by trying to tell her not to speak to me anymore. If it's one thing the Youngin is not, it's one to be told how to live her life and who she should have in her life. And the doc began to work her nerves something fierce, trying to turn her into an obedient doctor's wife. She finally had enough a few weeks ago and left, though last night she found herself in that all too familiar spot of wanting to breakdown and call him and work it out. Instead, she called me and I slapped that phone right out her hand. I broke it down real simple for her and said if she's not in love with him and doesn't see herself as a doctor's wife, then going back would be a mistake. What she does with that info, we shall see.