Thursday, February 19, 2015

Got A Hurricane In The Back Of Her Throat, And She Thinks She's Made Of Candy

Well, I've decided to start doing a weekly song again. I kept up with the first try for awhile, but then life intervened and it became difficult and I gave up (here's a lesson kids, if it gets to hard then you can just give up and maybe return to it later, if you remember). I've decided the first two songs I'll post will be dedicated to two people I no longer really speak to. One, BP, I definitely don't speak to, although she occasionally tries to initiate conversation when ish hits the fan on her end. The moment I heard this song, nearly every word reminded me of her. I mean, the song is about a chick who thinks she's really something when she's really not and that pretty much describes BP. The ego was massive, the expectation for what others should be willing to do for her was ridiculously high, but when you get down to it, she was motivated only by two things: money and manipulation. She wasn't exactly the most caring of people, something that should've been a red flag and sent me running for the hills. But the charm hid a biting tongue, a boatload of self-preservation and an unwillingness to pull herself out of work long enough to ever live her own life. It's not the nicest thing to say, but I feel sorry for anyone who ends up in that kind of vicious cycle. And I'm glad I'm no longer a part of it.