Friday, February 20, 2015


You know that post where I said I was keeping questions and ish to myself? Yeah, well, I shoulda stuck with that. But I didn't and now I'm...pensive. I know I shouldn't have asked because A) it was none of my business and, B) it wasn't my place to bring it up. But she gave the impression that it was okay to put forth any questions I had. Still, I should've known better. It's an interesting dance we've been doing, getting to know each other in the way we have. I often forget that not all topics are on the table and not everyone is as open book as I tend to be about past issues. And some issues are bigger than others, so I get that. But I don't like the awkwardness my questions put us in and a part of me feels like the answers might be major things, moreso than what I expected. But admittedly, I'm not totally sure what to expect as I've never been in the situation before. I'll tell you one thing though, I did learn today that sometimes I should just shut my mouth (a lesson I learn on quite a regular basis but it never seems to take).