Friday, April 11, 2014

All The Broken Hearts In The World Still Beat, Let's Not Make It Harder Than It Has To Be

Pandora seems to be bringing me all of my Friday posts lately, not that I'm complaining. Unfortunately, I was a little late to the Pandora party so I don't have as extensive a list of stations as my friends do. I used Spotify until I got a smartphone and had no space for my own songs and no desire to pay $10 a month to listen to Spotify on said smartphone. I had no intention of paying for Pandora either, but the first time I saw a video ad pop up, I willingly purchased a subscription (which is half the price of Spotify). As I add new stations and thumbs up and down a million songs, Pandora is supposedly getting a better understanding of who I am as a music lover. And that explains why it played Buddy Holly and Snoop Dogg back to back. And after that, it played this song. I'd never heard it before but took an instant shine to it and now here I is posting it to the blog. Thanks, Pandora!