Thursday, April 17, 2014

Smells Like (Drunken) Team Spirit

Today is the day, my friends. Today my beloved Colorado Avalanche return to the playoffs after a three year absence (that felt like a decade). And they didn't just barely get in, as many thought would be the case. They won their division on the last day of the season and enter the playoffs as the second best team in the Western Conference (they fell just two points short of winning the entire West). The Avs went from worst to first in one hell of a historic turnaround. And I am tres excited for this evening. As previously mentioned, I have committed to growing a playoff beard, which is a tradition amongst players in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. The reaction to my decision has been mixed, but my mom just strengthened my resolve to go through with it. For the first time in eons, my family is having an Easter celebration and mi madre, slick as she is, is using Jesus to try and guilt me into aborting my plan. She doesn't want me to, and this is a direct quote, "look like a creepy hobo" for Easter Sunday. Well, you know what? Jesus heself looked like a creepy hobo back in his heyday. And we're supposedly made in his image so...take that. The playoff beard is coming and I will look like a hobo on Easter. And I will be damn proud of it. DAMN PROUD, I SAY!
I shall leave you with the best laugh I have had in the past 24 hours and it came courtesy of our old friend Agent W. She was out having a few drinks and the Anaheim playoff game just happened to be on the television. I wasn't watching it at that moment but got updates from her, including this one:

W: One of the Ducks just took a puck to the face...ouchie
Me: lol Yeah, I'm sure "ouchie" was his first thought too
W: It looked like he thought "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"
Me: Maybe. But from now on when someone takes a puck to the face, I'ma hear "ouchie" in my head
W: lol You are welcome

An hour and, I assume, a few drinks later, came this:

Me: Who won?
W: Ducks were up 4 to 3 when we left during 4th
W: Or not
W: I was pretty buzzed
W: I think they won
Me: LMAO. W, there is no "4th" in hockey
Me: That was...special
(the next morning)
W: I knew that.

Oh...good times. That said, I look forward to three periods of awesomeness tonight when the Avs take the ice.