Wednesday, April 2, 2014

You're Only As Old As You Can Remember

Her: Cheer me up, I'm depressed.
Me: Why so glum, chum?
Her: My day has sucked and now it's April so I'm depressed that I'll be 40 soon.
Me: LOL. Um...
Her: What?
Me: You were born in 1976. You'll be 38 this year.
Her: LOL. Wow.
Her: My day has improved now that I found out I'll only be 38. 
Me: Really? Looks more like you're cruising towards 65 from where I sit.
Her: lol Shut it. I can only handle so many surprises in five minutes.
Me: Well, it's not all bad news. I mean, you're still older than me. And you always will be. So that's exciting.
Her: lol You never did learn how to shut it, did you?
Me: lol Nope.