Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wanna Be Starting Something

Nothing like a little blackmail from your child's godmother to celebrate her 6th birthday (Miss N's birthday, not her evil, soon-to-be EX, Nina).

Y: Do me a favor?
Me: No.
Y: Jerk. This is why I have to blackmail you...
Me: ...What do you have?
Y: A photo...from before high school...of a young man with a wicked haircut...scrawny arms...
Me: *GASP* What are your terms??
Y: Bring me Starbucks.
Me: lol That's it? That's your favor?
Y: Yeah. The blackmail was just for kicks lol
Me: LOL. You are cruel. Do you even actually have anything blackmail-worthy?
Y: Oh yes, love. I just went through a box of my mom's stuff and randomly found one of your childhood sports pictures stuffed in the bottom. Like someone just shoved it in there to avoid others ever seeing it...
Me: Hey, I can't help it if your mom also thought it was a terrible picture and just stashed it in a box.
Y: lol Uh huh
Me: I know where all your bodies are buried too, my friend...
Y: #ShotsFired