Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Good Husband (Well, Good-ish)

Me: But she was...young. Still in school.
G: school young? Or law school young? Or pre-school young?
Me: What was that last one again? lol
G: Are you serious? You suck. You get hit on by college chicks all the damn time.
R: Jackass
Me: Do not
G: Do too. Bitch.
Me: LOL. Don't hold back now.
G: lol Seriously dude. All I get are elderly women telling me I look like a nice young man. THAT is my version of getting hit on by college chicks.
R: LOL Did she at least stroke her cane as she said it? Cuz that right there is old people's first base.
Me: LMAO. Some older woman asked me to get something off a high shelf at the store the other day...
G: Yeah and I'm sure after you got that thing off a high shelf, she gave you her number. Or like offered herself up for sex in the produce section.
E: lol I think he already had sex in the produce section...
G: Fuck you and your half-assed attempts to make me feel less hideous, Giuseppe lol
Me: LOL. Yeah, DEFINITELY wouldn't do that in the produce section.
G: lol I'm glad everyone finds it hilarious that only old women hit on me.
R: You're MARRIED dude.
G: Yeah...but I thought people were supposed to be more attractive when they got hitched or were committed or some shit like that.
A: lol Ever the romantic and devoted husband...
G: lol I love my Missus, ya'll know that. I don't wanna date or cheat or anything. But I was under the impression this ring on my finger would make me purtier.
Y: I got hit on more often when I was married.
R: I'm technically engaged and I get approached every so often.
A: I don't even wear his ring much and I got hit on last week.
Me: I am neither of those things and get hit on by hot college girls ALL THE TIME.
G: Well fuck all ya'll then lol
E: Maybe your attractiveness level will spike now that you've thrown a bitch fit about how unattractive you are.
G: I didn't say I was unattractive...
E: Oh. Ooops.
Y: I don't know about everyone else, but I feel so much better about my life after this convo.
Me: lol And how.