Friday, April 4, 2014

Girl, Let's Just Get Marri - Uh...Let's Slow It Way Down

G: You're not marriage material, Giuseppe. 
Me: 'Scuse you, my psychic said I might be marriage material...someday.
G: lol I love how your answer to everything now is, "My psychic says..."
Me: lol Precisely.
G: First of all, she doesn't know you like I do. And marriage and you...that don't jive man.
Me: I could do it...if I had to...maybe.
G: Think about it this way - Marriage is spending every day of your life with one person. EVERY. DAY. Every morning, every afternoon, every night. Do you really think anyone could put up with you every day? lol
Me: lol How dare you, sir! I will have you know that [Y] and I have had a sexless marriage for well over thirty years now!
G: Think about it this way - Marriage is having sex with the same person for the rest of your life. ONE. PERSON. For the rest of your life. Forsaking all others and shit. Do you really think you could have sex with just one person at a time the rest of your life? lol
Me: ...
Me: Well, I would've said yes had you not added that "one person at a time" stipulation at the end lol
G: LMAO. Yes Giuseppe. Only one at a time.
Me: psychic doesn't really now me. She's probably wrong about that whole marriage thing.
G: lol And all is right again with the world.